Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611-43-02
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e-mail: wydzial@chem.umk.pl

PhD programme

General information:

Paid PhD studies last four years (575 hours, 45 ECTS).

For each academic year it is obligatory to accumulate a certain number of ECTS credit points according to the plan, to pass at least two exams, to have a professional training (teaching classes), and to submit the annual report.

Optional subjects are chosen (after consultation with the tutor/supervisor) from the available list of:

PhD student chooses one foreign language course of 45 h.

PhD student having certificates testifying foreign language competence (the list of certificates is given in Annex 1 to the Regulation MSHE dated 22 September 2011., DU No. 204, pos. 1200, p. 12048) is exempted from the foreign language doctoral examination. In the case of exemption from examination, a PhD student choses another subject to gain the required number of ECTS credits.

Lectures included in the study programme (with the exception of additional discipline and seminar) finish with the exams, however foreign language classes finish with credit with a grade.

210 hours of teaching classes are to be done during the PhD program (including 30 hours of participation + 180 teaching hours). PhD student can not have less than 10h and not more than 90 hours per year of professional training in the form of teaching classes.

The doctoral procedure can be initiated, provided that PhD student has a scientific publication in the form of a book published or accepted for printing or at least one scientific publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal (Act (Ustawa) of 18 March 2011.).

Additional disciplines (philosophy or economics) doctoral examinations and foreign language doctoral examination should be taken after the initiation of the doctoral procedure. Comprehensive chemistry examination, corresponding to the topic of the dissertation, should be taken after the submission of the dissertation and receiving positive reviews.

The prerequisites for the positive assessment of doctoral studies are as follows:

Only after the above conditions have been met can the doctoral candidate be allowed to defend the dissertation.

A detailed, individual doctoral study plan is established by a tutor and approved by the head of the Doctoral Studies.