Excellence Initiative - Research University
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e-mail: wydzial@chem.umk.pl
obrazek nr 1

Master’s thesis

A thesis (in general) – based on the National Qualifications Framework:

  • is a study of a scientific problem, presenting structured, up-to-date knowledge on a given topic;
  • is an independent and creative study, it should contain its own judgment regarding the analysed problem;
  • relates to a specific practical or theoretical research problem within a specific scientific discipline.

Recommendations of the Faculty Commission for Education Quality for authors of diploma theses at the Faculty of Chemistry

General requirements

  1. The thesis (master’s, engineering or bachelor’s thesis) prepared at The Faculty of Chemistry is a written monographic study, divided into chapters and subsections. An engineering and master’s thesis consists of both theoretical and experimental parts. It is possible to write a theoretical bachelor’s thesis.
  2. Each student completes the diploma thesis individually under the supervisor’s (tutor) guidance.
  3. The diploma thesis must not be plagiarised.

The content of the work

1. The content of the diploma thesis must be consistent with the title of the thesis. The thesis should develop the scientific or technical problem presented in the title of the work.

2. Diploma theses are independent research projects that showcase a student’s knowledge and skills in a particular field of study.

3. It is recommended that diploma theses be of a research nature. The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Teaching may consent to a bachelor’s thesis having a review character in exceptional circumstances.

4. According to the Law on Higher Education and the Rules of Study of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, a thesis may also be: a published article, a project work, incl the design and execution of a computer program or system, and construction or technological work.

5. The master’s thesis must consist of two parts: a theoretical part – a literature review relating to the work’s topic; and an experimental part – compilation, discussion, and interpretation of obtained experimental results.

6. The structure of the research work should include the following parts:

  • Title page,
  • Acknowledgments (optional),
  • Contents,
  • List of abbreviations,
  • Introduction,
  • Theoretical part,
  • The objective of the work,
  • Materials and methods,
  • Experimental part (results, discussion, conclusions),
  • References,
  • List of tables and figures (optional),
  • Consent of the bioethics committee to conduct the study (optional),
  • Summaries in Polish and English with keywords.

7. Detailed comments on the structure of the work

Cover page: The template for the cover page is set out in Annex 3 to the Regulation 126 of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University of June 4, 2020.

Table of contents: Presents the structure of the work, and it should be clear.

List of abbreviations: The abbreviations should be listed in alphabetical order. All abbreviations and acronyms should be explained at their first use in the text. Abbreviations should be used in the text consistently.

Introduction: It should be an introduction to the work, with a presentation of the current state of knowledge and the rationale of the thesis topic.

Theoretical part: The theoretical part of the diploma work should develop the introduction and discuss theoretical subjects related to the work topic based on available scientific literature (scientific books and research articles).

Aim of the work: Should be clearly defined (e.g. in points). It is possible applying the division into the main goal and specific goals.

Materials and methods: All materials, chemicals, and equipment used in the course of the work must be listed in detail. The procedures and methods may be described here. This section should also contain information on the statistical analysis carried out (if applicable).

Experimental part: The results should be presented in clear text using legible drawings, diagrams, and tables. Do not duplicate the results (i.e. the same data is shown in the drawing and in the table). The abbreviations used in the drawings and tables should be explained in the signatures, irrespective of their prior explanation in the text and/or in the list of abbreviations. The author should discuss and interpret the results obtained

Conclusions: The conclusions should reflect the objectives of the work. The best way to present the conclusions is to put them in the points. The general statements resulting from the discussion of the results should be sought, not the summary of the results obtained.

References: They should include the most recent work (from the last 10 years), however, it is important to use this work, which is crucial in this area knowledge included in the diploma’s work (irrespective of the date of publication). Consistent referencing style should be followed throughout the work. Literature references in the text and in the bibliography should be created according to the Vancouver style.

8. There are no specific requirements for the volume of the diploma thesis. Maintaining proportions between the parts of the work is important, however. Frequent errors include m.in. a too-long introduction and too short discussion.

9. When writing a diploma, the copyright must be respected. Material taken from any source (content, drawings, tables, etc.) must be credited to its source, including websites.

Technical rules for writing thesis

The following arrangements shall be adopted when writing the thesis:

  • Recommended font Times New Roman, consistently used throughout the text,
  • font size: chapter titles 16 pt, subchapter titles 14 pt and text 12 points or 11 points,
  • margins for a one-sided printout: internal 3.5 cm, external 2.5 cm, top and bottom 2.5 cm,
  • margins for double-sided printing – to the archive: mirror,
  • 1.5 line spacing,
  • spacing in the text: 6 pt before and 6 pt after for titles and subtitles, 6 pt for paragraphs,
  • automatic page numbering without a page number on the title page (and thank you page), in the lower right corner of the page,
  • the text justified both sides,
  • Tables, figures, and formulas should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and hold titles. The titles are placed above the tables and below the figures, respectively. The words “Table” and “Figure”, together with their numbers, should be written in bold font. All tables and figures must be referenced in the text and numbered in the order in which they appear. In case of using tables and figures (under the copyright) of the publication of other authors, the source should be cited.

Practical remarks during the editing of the diploma thesis:

  • no spaces should be used to set the indentation of the first line of the paragraph;
  • multiple spaces should not be used (except in necessary cases);
  • no spaces should be put in front of the sign: , . : ? ! % “)}] ⁰;
  • at the end of the line do not leave conjunctions and prepositions (e.g. i, w, z, u etc.) – for this purpose, after the conjunction a non-breaking space (so-called hard space) should be inserted by using the Shift + Ctrl + key combination.
  • a hard space should be used between the numerical value and the unit,
  • avoid leaving the chapter title in the last line on the page or one line of text on the new page.

Before defending the thesis

At the latest two weeks before the diploma examination, the application for initiation of the procedure for awarding the professional title must be completed at USOSweb. You can also apply to the Dean’s Office for the inclusion of the services in the supplement.

The electronic version of the thesis must be submitted online in the archive of the theses (APD), together with the abstract, the keywords and the title in English.

At the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Chemistry, the student is required to submit the following:

  • one copy of the diploma thesis printed on both sides (in black and white) and bound;
  • two copies for the supervisor and the reviewer, if requested.

Information on the diploma thesis and its submission is included in: the Law on Higher Education, Regulations of the University of Mikołaj Copernicus in Toruń (Announcement No.2 of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń of August 28, 2019 Chapter 14 and 15, and Ordinance No. 126 of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń of June 4, 2020.

Diploma examination

The examination of the diploma shall be conducted orally by the commission, which shall comprise the Chairman, the Supervisor and the Reviewer. The exam tests both the student’s specialist knowledge of the degree and general knowledge of chemistry.